Bluetooth controlled based floor cleaner robot

Bluetooth controlled based floor cleaner robot

In recent years, robotics has become increasingly popular as a means of making our lives easier and more efficient. One area where robotics has had a significant impact is in cleaning, and in particular, the development of floor-clearing robots. These robots can be programmed to navigate around a room, cleaning up dust, dirt, and debris, leaving floors spotless. In this article, we will explore the world of floor-clearing robots using Arduino, a popular platform for building custom robots.

Floor-cleaning robots have become increasingly popular due to their convenience and efficiency. With the advancement of technology, you can now make your own Bluetooth-controlled floor-cleaning robot using Arduino. In this article, we will guide you through the process of making a simple Bluetooth-controlled floor-cleaning robot.

Materials Required:

Schematic Diagram:

Bluetooth controlled based floor cleaner robot

Step 1: Assembling the Robot Base The first step is to assemble the robot base. You can use any suitable material like plastic or plywood to make the base. Mount the wheels on both sides of the base.

Step 2: Mounting Motors and Motor Driver Mount two DC geared motors on the base with their shafts pointing outwards. Connect the motor driver AF motor driver shield to the Arduino UNO and the motors.

Step 3: Mounting Servo Motor Mount the Servo Motor SG90 on the top of the robot. Connect it to the Arduino UNO using jumper wires. The servo motor will be used to control the position of the dustbin. Attach the servo motor to the chassis and connect it to the AF motor driver shield using jumper wires.

Step 5: Connecting Bluetooth Module Connect the HC-05 Bluetooth Module to the Arduino UNO using jumper wires. Make sure to connect the RX of the Bluetooth module to the TX of the Arduino UNO and vice versa.

Floor cleaner App:-Download

Step 6: Writing Code Write code in Arduino IDE to control the robot's movements and cleaning action using Bluetooth commands. The code should include functions to move the robot forward, backward, turn right, turn left, and stop. Additionally, include code to control the servo motor to control the cleaning mechanism based on Bluetooth commands.


#include <AFMotor.h> //Download and Install AFMotor.h Library #include <Servo.h> AF_DCMotor motor1(1); //Floor clear motor. AF_DCMotor motor2(2); //Back Left Wheel AF_DCMotor motor3(3); //Front Right Wheel //AF_DCMotor motor4(4); //Back Right Wheel Servo servo; int angle = 0; // Set minimum angle 5 degree int servoPin = 10; // attach servo motor to digital pin 9 int readString1; //char state; void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); motor1.setSpeed(250); //Set Motor Speed motor2.setSpeed(250); motor3.setSpeed(250); servo.attach(servoPin); servo.write(angle); } void loop() { if(Serial.available() > 0) { //if some date is sent, reads it and saves in state readString1 =; Serial.println(readString1); } if (readString1 ==1){ // MOVE FORWARD // (FORWARD); (FORWARD); (FORWARD); // (FORWARD); } if (readString1 ==2){ // MOVE BACKWARD // (BACKWARD); (BACKWARD); (BACKWARD); // (BACKWARD); } if (readString1 ==3) { (BACKWARD); // MOVE LEFT SIDE (FORWARD); } if (readString1 ==4) { (FORWARD); // MOVE RIGHT SIDE (BACKWARD); } if (readString1 ==48) { (RELEASE); // STOP (RELEASE); } if (readString1 ==5) { (FORWARD);//floor cleaner motor on } if (readString1 ==6) { (RELEASE);//floor cleaner motor off } if (readString1 ==7) { servo.write(25); //Servo motor down } if (readString1 ==8) { servo.write(0);//servo motor up } Serial.println(readString1); }

Step 7: Testing the Robot After writing the code, upload it to the Arduino UNO and test the robot. Make sure the Bluetooth module is connected to your smartphone and test if the robot is moving in the desired direction and if the cleaning mechanism is working correctly.

Step 8: Improving the Robot You can improve the robot by adding more sensors such as IR sensors, which can detect obstacles and avoid collisions. Additionally, you can add more Bluetooth commands to control the speed of the robot and adjust the cleaning mechanism.

In conclusion, making a Bluetooth-controlled floor-cleaning robot using Arduino is a fun and exciting project. With a little creativity and effort, you can build a robot that can clean your floors while being controlled wirelessly from your smartphone. So, gather the required materials, follow the steps mentioned above, and create your own Bluetooth-controlled floor-cleaning robot!


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